Here’s Your Supply List & Schedule
In preparation for your trip, we’re sending the Retreat Supply List and Retreat Schedule for reference below.
Quiltworx has been busily working with our featured Certified Shop, The Quilt Works, from Albuquerque, NM on compiling supplies and fabrics for your Quiltworx University experience in just a few short weeks! We are excited to announce that we are also working with Bob’s Sewing & Vacuum Centers to supply the classroom with sewing machines.
If you have not reserved your sewing machine yet, please click here:
Reserve Your Sewing Machine
The purpose of this email is to help you gather last minute supplies and also give you an idea of the schedule for the week.
If you have any questions regarding rooms and accommodations, contact Erin through Madeline Island School of the Arts at erin@madelineschool.com.
We hope you enjoy your quilting adventures in the perfect Winter destination, Santa Fe, New Mexico! We are all excited to experience it with you!
~ Sincerely, the Quiltworx University Team
Retreat Supply List
You’ll need to bring the following items with you to class:
- Acorn Pressing Pen & Solution
- Fabric Pen
- Repositionable Glue
- If your pattern has curves: 12” Creative Grids Wave Ruler or the Curved Diamond Cutting and Trimming Ruler from Quiltworx.com
- 3″ by 12″ piece of Template Plastic
- 3-1/2″ by 18″ piece piece of Template Plastic
- 12″ Add-a-quarter ruler
- 18″ Add-a-quarter ruler
- Purple Thang (optional)
- 6″ by 12″ ruler
- Medium size (or travel size) cutting mat (18” by 24”) ~ If you cannot bring this with you, please email judel@quiltworx.com so we can prepare to bring one.
- Rotary cutter 45mm or 60 mm
- New rotary blade
- Size 70 needles (Microtex recommended)
- Scissors
- Seam ripper
- Small Extension Cords and a surge protector strip can be helpful if you plan to bring your own sewing machine, iron and sewing light, or at-station mobile device charger.
- Fabric glue UHU stic
- Glue Pen (Fons and Porter, Sewline, or Avery recommended)
- High quality cotton sewing thread
- Repositionable Glue (Judy prefers Scotch Brand)
- Flower pins
- Scotch Tape
- Large Ziploc Bags
- Stapler
- Binder Clips (medium and small)
- Large Paper Clips
- Bring your fabric and pattern if you are doing Fire Island Hosta and have purchased your own fabric
If you do not have any of the above supplies (or if you forget something!), our onsite shop will have many of these items on hand for you to purchase (in particular, the curved rulers and different glue options!.
Machines for this event will primarily be Janome Travel Mate 30 machines, with a few Bernina machines to accommodate those with specific requests. The Janome Travel Mate 30 is a reliable, simple, lightweight, and practical classroom machine that is so easy to transport from class to class. These machines retail for $499. A special event price of $389 will be offered if you would like to purchase a machine at the end of the event. A $60.00 rental fee will be charged, but $40.00 of this rental fee will be applied to the machine purchase, if you decide to purchase.
A representative from the machine dealer will be on-site during the event to provide training, help troubleshoot any issues that arise and help you if you would like to take one home!
Sewing Station Information:
To ensure a smooth setup for our event, we will have assigned seating to help us organize stations, place projects, and set up sewing machines for each student. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t sit with your best friends! If you haven’t already, please contact us in advance with your seating requests. You can send emails to judel@quiltworx.com or erin@madelineschool.com and we will update the master student list with the information provided. Thank you for helping us streamline the check-in process!
Each student will have ample sewing space with their own 6ft sewing table. Large cutting and pressing stations will be shared among every approximately eight students. There will be four teaching stations around the room, and the shop will be located in its own room adjacent to the teaching ballroom.
Every student will also have a comfortable conference chair, and we will provide cutting mats for those who cannot bring their own. Please let us know if you need one.
For the comfort and maneuverability of all students, we kindly ask that you leave your table extensions at home. The tables will be set up in aisles, so we need to ensure there is enough space for everyone to move around. All sewing supplies should be stored under the table, in your car, or in your room. Extra lighting is allowed in the classroom, but please avoid bringing magnifying glass combos as they have been known to start fires.
Program Schedule
The general program schedule is provided below if you are interested in how your day to day will work! Your week will include special events, check-in, and check-out information!
Sunday, March 16th:
- 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Check-In. Early check-in to the sewing area will not be allowed. Thank you for your understanding and patience. During check-in, come to the Banquet Hall at the hotel and find your sewing station. Instruction and tutorials on using your machines will be provided. You will also meet your instructors to get started on cutting papers for your first workshop, which will start on Monday.
- 6:00 p.m. Welcome Reception: A Welcome Event with snacks and refreshments starts at 6:00 p.m. We will meet for a small Trunk Show with Judy and learn a little more about the week that you will be spending with us! Please note, you will be on your own for dinner Sunday evening before or after the Welcome Event. Check out the list of restaurants in the area below. Reservations for many locations are encouraged so be sure to check out your dining options! We have included a list below of some nearby places with a variety of food options, pricing, and investment of time.
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: For those who wish to stay with us in the evening, we will continue with machine demos, meeting instructors, and learning basic cutting techniques for Monday’s first workshop. We would like to request that as students, you concentrate on cutting out your papers and wait until Monday morning to start on your project so that everyone starts at the same place as the other students for Monday’s workshop. Teachers will not be in the classroom after 9 p.m. and the shop will not be open past 9 p.m. on Sunday given that Monday is a busy day for everyone!
Free Gift:
For those of you who have attended Quiltworx University before, you are aware that we always provide you with a Surprise Quiltworx Pattern! This is Judy’s choice and different at each event! When you open your box, if there is a pattern in there you don’t recognize, please be aware, this is our Gift to You! If you would like to choose fabrics for it during the week, we can help you at the shop! Or, if you have the perfect fabrics at home, you can definitely save it for that. Sometimes people open this and begin cutting into it, thinking this is their design. Please save it for later! It is our gift to you!
Onsite Quilt Shop!:
One of the most amazing parts of this event is the onsite quilt shop, which will have hundreds of bolts of fabric, kits, paper piecing tools, and more available for you throughout the week. The staff from the Quilt Works Quilt Shop will be on site to not only help you with any quilting supplies you might need, but also to help Judel Niemeyer kit custom Quiltworx patterns in colorways you love, using Quiltster!
Daily Schedule (March 17th to 21st Monday to Friday):
- 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.: Breakfast is on your own.
- 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: Morning Workshop
- 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Lunch will be held in the dining area.
- 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Afternoon Workshop
- 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Afternoon Break (The workshop is over at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 21st.)
- 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Afternoon programs, Quiltster demonstrations, trunk shows, or free sew (optional).
- Dinner 6:00 p.m.:Dinner is on your own. Please check the list of local restaurants below. Reservations are encouraged.
- Post Dinner: Trunk Shows, free sew, and shopping will be offered until 10 p.m. Instructors will be available every night until 10 p.m. as well.
- Check-Out on Friday: 4:00 p.m. from the workshop. (If you are leaving on Friday, please verify room checkout with Quiltworx and take time for this during the day as appropriate). If sewing on Friday evening is a desire, please coordinate this directly with Madeline Island School of the Arts.
- Late Sew: More information on late/early sewing responsibilities (turning off irons/machines/lights/closing up) will be provided on Sunday evening.
- Beverages: Water and coffee will be complimentary.
List of Restaurants:
In general, we will work on the following sections of your quilts on the following days. When you get to the event, there will be a box with your schedule, pattern, and fabrics at each station. There will also be a schedule that outlines which classes each teacher will be teaching throughout the day in case you want to attend another class. Please reference your personal schedules to learn which instructors are teaching each workshop on each day. There will be a morning and afternoon session of each class, unless all students show up for the morning (some groups are smaller than others). So, if you feel the class is large or want to see it again, or possibly have multiple workshops on the same day because you have purchased more than one kit, do not worry! We will have plenty of time to teach you what you need to know:
- Monday – Group A 288-A
- Monday Afternoon – Group B 288-B
- Tuesday Morning – Group J 288-J
- Tuesday Afternoon – Group C 196-C and Blank Borders
- Wednesday Morning – Group E 288-E
- Wednesday Afternoon – Group F 288-F
- Thursday Morning – Group D 242-D
- Thursday Afternoon – Groups D & K, 281-D & 284-K
Quiltster demonstrations will be provided for interested students. We will run these throughout the week until every interested student has attended.
- Custom Kits! Throughout the week, Judel will be working to create custom kits for customers using fabrics available at the Onsite Quilt Shop. She will take custom orders through Thursday, mid-day, so if you are hoping for a special kit project to take home with you of your favorite Quiltworx design, please think about it and come prepared with some ideas! She will use Quiltster, then send the project information to your Quiltster accounts and also to the shop so they can kit!
- Trunk Shows from instructors and students will be held throughout the week if you are interested. Feel free to bring a few projects to show off if you can spare the space! We’d love to see your special touches to Quiltworx projects you’ve made over the years! Featured this year, the Jungle Magnolia, new publications, ColorStock, Tim Holtz designs, Kaffe and Tula, and some amazing projects from the Quilt Store, and other attendees at the Retreat.
Judy will be available for demonstrations on other techniques beyond just those used in the units for the workshop as time permits. She will also be in the teaching room on most nights (perhaps not all) after dinner, to discuss workshop needs in general.
- The Certified Shop will be available throughout the week for supplies, quilt kits, fabric, and anything else you may need to satisfy your quilting desires! In general, the shop will close at 9 p.m. and open at 7:00 a.m. each day.
- On Friday, class will end at 4:00 p.m. Students can check out early and head home, or stay for the duration of class, but this year, we ask that you begin taking apart your sewing station at 4 p.m. Checking out at the store will take place beginning Thursday evening and into Friday morning. We will be packing up and preparing for the end of class throughout the day as appropriate. With a limited window to clear the area, this is important for us to accomplish.
Meet Our Team!