Tina Lueders

  • 170 PRIVATE ROAD 7026
  • Emory, TX 75440
  • Teaching Area: Texas, Oklahoma and willing to travel.
  • Business Phone: 361-935-9164
  • Mobile Phone: 361-935-9164

Tina’s love of sewing comes from her Grandmother who gave her a needle, thread and scrap fabric at the age of 4. She has been sewing ever since, mostly doing garment sewing. When she started working as a secretary and needed a professional wardrobe, she began making outfits from patterns that were fashioned after “Dynasty”. She’s owned her own commercial embroidery business and made custom western apparel for many clients. Tina is a fairly “young” quilter, taking up the art of quilting about 18 years ago. She was doing a “shop-hop” with a friend and walked into a little quilt store and fell in love with Summer Solstice. Even though she told her friend that she was Not a Quilter – she signed up for the class and was well on her way to be addicted to Quiltworx patterns. Her favorite type of quilts are paper piecing.

She has done about 20 or so Quiltworx patterns and had decided after doing her first quilt that she wanted to become a Certified Instructor, but the timing wasn’t right. Having an active 4H family and soccer player she put her dream on hold for a while.

In 2018 Tina and husband Steve sold their home in South Texas and moved to the Dallas area to be closer to grandkids.  They built a home on Lake Fork and Tina started working for the Largest Quilt Shop in Texas – Stitchin’ Heaven.  While working for Stitchin’ Heaven she realized that now was the time to pursue her dream of being a Quiltworx Certified Instructor.  After helping with teaching at many retreats and meeting Judy and Judel at Quiltworx University, Tina decided she loves teaching and helping others learn the art of paper-piecing.

Tina teamed up with CI Sandra Coffey and “Friends of Judy” Retreats was born.  Sandra and Tina hold retreats at the beautiful Stitchin’ Heaven Retreat Center.  Tina also teaches at the store and on cruises.

Being raised in the carnival industry, Tina loves to travel and doesn’t mind traveling to share her love of beautiful quilts that you can create using the Quiltworx methods.

Project Album from the Quiltworx Facebook Page: Click on any image below to see more quilts by this Instructor!