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All Day

Judy Judy Judy with CI Cindy McEntee

Finally Together Quilt Shop 54 West Ash St, Lebanon

Classes held weekly 9:00 am to 3:30 at Finally Together Quilt Shop.  Roomy and well lite Class room off of a fully stocked Quilt Shop.  Bring any Judy Niemeyer Pattern

$3 – $120.00

Friends of Judy Retreat-McQueeny, TX 2025

queen's Rustic Retreat, McQueeny TX 3191 FM 78, McQueeney

Come join Certified Instructor Tina Lueders in McQueeny, TX.  Check in is on Wednesday, December 3rd at 1:00 pm with a "Get Acquainted" dinner at 6:00 pm.  Breakfast, Lunch and


Sit-and-sew Quiltworx Paper Piecing Class

Quilts N Fabrics 3106 N 18750 W, Mountain Home

We are hosting a weekly sit-and-sew Quiltworx paper piecing quilt class. YES, you can join via ZOOM. This class is for anyone wanting to learn to paper piece Judy's way!


Judy Niemeyer Sit & Sew

Stitch n' Snip Classroom Studio 342 S Middlefork Rd, Garden Valley

Calling all Judy Niemeyer fans...This is a time to work on those beautiful Judy Niemeyer quilts that you have started and want to work on or need a little help
