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Steampunk Fairytale (Class 6 of 6)

Portsmouth Tidewater Sew & Vac 701 Airline Blvd, Suite A, Portsmouth

Tracy will be teaching a 6 session class series for Steampunk Fairytale starting in September at the Tidewater Sew & Vac in Great Bridge. Class runs from 10:00 to 2:00

Charis Camp Retreat

Charis Camp and Conference Centre Hack Brown Road, Chilliwack

Join Maureen Wood for a 5 day, 4 night retreat at the beautiful Charis Camp Chalet in Chilliwack BC.  Work on any Quiltworx pattern of your choice. E-mail Maureen at

Compass Rose, Class 2

Fluffy's Quilt Patch Plus 530 S Main St, Canandaigua

Have you wanted to learn Judy's techniques? This is the class for you! We will be learning paper piecing and assembling units. You can make place mats, table runners or


JN Sit and Sew

Quilter's Quarters - Conroe 3500 West Davis Street, Suite 270, Conroe

Join Jan Mathews, a Certified Instructor, for a day or two to sit and sew on whatever JN/ project your may be sewing on. Whether you took a class or