Quiltworx 5day Workshop – Deposit only, final payment due 15Jan25
Accommodations are not included but rooms are available at the hotel.
Please let them know you are at the workshop with Hyggeligt
5 day workshop only: $599 includes lunch daily plus applicable taxes
100 deposit to secure your spot
$499 balance due 15Jan25
The hotel may have space if you want to stay, let them know you are with the hyggeligt/Quiltworx group.
We do suggest booking the night prior so that you are ready to start fresh on day 1.
Also you may book the hotel using points, CAA discount or Best Western member rate, do what’s best for you!!
Alternatively, Stratford has lots of options and or you may sleep at home, at your cousins…….
We are very excited to offer a Quiltworx event with Sherida Giddings, certified Quiltworx instructor.
The workshop is a 5 day adventure in all things foundation paper piecing.
Summer Solstice, Riptides or Wishing Star would be good starters for the first time Quiltworx project.
Work on whatever project you wish or start at the beginning. Let us know and we will suggest, can kit, etc.
Tips and tricks will be offered on a variety of techniques and guidance for success.